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Take Control of Your Future

I’m an experienced careers professional with an extensive work history in Careers Consultancy and Recruitment. Whether you are at a careers crossroads, considering applying for a University place or Apprenticeship, or need some help with a CV, Cover Letter or Application I can help. Perhaps you are worried about an upcoming interview or feel confused by talk of competencies or strengths. Returning to work after maternity or paternity leave can be daunting, but together we can work out a plan of action.

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I am a fully qualified (Level 7) Careers Consultant with a comprehensive background advising and guiding people in all things careers. I am based in Leeds, but work with people all over the UK and internationally - often on Skype.  Having worked for blue-chip firms as a Recruiter, I have a wealth of experience interviewing, testing and selecting applicants and truly understand the recruitment processes that many applicants find formidable. I aim to bring clarity and confidence to clients ranging from people looking for a new direction, to those who know what they want but can't seem to get there.

My career highlights include:

  • 10 years advising post graduate students at Imperial College, London

  • Recruiting graduates for GlaxoSmithKline, PriceWaterhouseCoopers and the Audit Commission

  • Facilitating and Assessing Candidates for corporate clients across Europe

  • Designing and delivering career workshops and webinars for a variety of audiences

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Supporting You To Move Forwards

Through 1-to-1 consultations or group sessions, I can help you with practical advice, tools and techniques to take control of your career. Appointments can be made at short notice and I am also able to provide support on Skype or by phone.


This is one of the most popular services I offer. I can work with you to ensure that your marketing collateral showcases the best version of you - and is tailored to the industry, sector and role that you seek. From applying for graduate roles or apprenticeships to writing speculative letters and completing tricky application forms, I will help you to create effective documents to facilitate your next career move.


Whether you are returning to work after raising children or a period of illness and are lacking confidence or you are seeking a new career direction - I can help you. Together we can formulate plans, explore options and discover ways for you to move forward. Sometimes life's events throw us off-guard - redundancy, unexpected exam results or even a new boss can mean our plans change. I can offer you practical tools, advice and guidance to support you making the next step.

Whatever you’re struggling with, I’m here to help you achieve your goals. Contact me to find out more.

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"Faith is taking the next step even when you don't see the whole staircase”

Martin Luther King Jr

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Misty Staircase



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